Dream: Colossus from the Sea

 Dream from November 27, 2023

I stood in the midst of a small beach town.  The weather was gray and somewhat stormy.  The town seemed dilapidated and there weren't a lot of people in the immediate vicinity.  As I looked over the choppy waves of the sea I saw two giant, grayish feet walking out of it, wearing muted or desaturated red heels.  As I focused on this sight I realized this was an entire colossus in the form of a woman wearing a dress in a 1940's style.  She felt like the size of a skyscraper, but the only color was in the high heels, everything else about her seemed stony gray, matching the sky and sea.

She walked from the midst of the sea towards the beach, I felt my own fear or nervousness at something so huge approaching, and I could feel the fear from everyone else in the town as she approached and stepped onto the beach.  We all knew she could takeover simply by standing there, no one could ever stop something so huge.  But she take any overtly hostile or aggressive action, it was her sheer size that made her intimidating.  Within the dream I knew she had something to do with Israel.


I was a little confused by the dream at first, as evidenced by how I first wrote the description:

"There was a whole bunch of stuff centered around the main setting, but I don’t remember it. It was this coastal place, kinda gray and stormy. Then right at the end I see these giant feet stepping across the ocean, it was this colossal woman, like a giant statue come to life. I think she was gray/desaturated all over. But she wore these muted red high heels and walked onto the beach. And for some reason this had to do with Israel and I have no idea why. Wish I could remember more dream context cuz it’s random."

I think I initially thought she was something bad or dangerous, but the dream surprised with it being associated with Israel.

The interpretation I pieced together was this:

The woman/colossus represents Israel, and she wore a 1940's style dress to refer to the history of the Holocaust.  I also understand that in Bible prophecy contexts the sea represents chaos, so those two things connect, Israel rose up from destructive chaos, and now she will not be impeded by anyone for what is rightfully hers.  The shoes were red as a symbol of her subduing her enemies.  It's easy to see that the dilapidated town can represent Gaza, or perhaps other neighboring foes, and there is nothing they can do to stop her.  But there was also no reason to antagonize her, she only wanted to stand on solid, dry ground again.  Now the shoes are red with the blood of her enemies.

Psalm 18:38-48 relates to this:

38 I wounded them, and they were not able to rise;
    they are fallen under my feet.
39 For You clothed me with strength for the battle;
    You subdued under me those who rose up against me.
40 You gave me the necks of my enemies,
    and I destroyed those who hate me.
41 They cried for help, but there was none to save them;
    even to the Lord, but He did not answer them.
42 Then I beat them small as the dust before the wind;
    I cast them out as the dirt in the streets.
43 You have delivered me from the hostilities of the people,
    and You have made me the head of nations;
    a people whom I have not known serve me.
44 At hearing a report, they obey me;
    foreigners come cringing to me.
45 Foreigners fade away,
    and come quaking out of their prisons.

46 The Lord lives! And blessed be my Rock!
    May the God of my salvation be exalted.
47 It is God who avenges me
    and subdues the people under me;
48     He delivers me from my enemies.
You lift me up above those who rise up against me;
    You have delivered me from the violent man.


It took me some time to start drafting this post, it's a grim dream to share after the promising double wedding one, but this is the only dream I have that I sense God wants shared.  As such, He did give me a second dream as a reminder or confirmation.

On December 3rd I had a long dream, or a set of two dreams, and one of them contained a woman wearing a white dress and red shoes.  She was a normal woman now and not a colossus!  But the repeat of the red shoes made it clear that I needed to share this dream still, despite them being the very thing I was squeamish about (look, I just didn't want to search "feet bathed in the blood of mine enemies Bible verse" online but now I just did and Psalm 68:23 popped up).  God was willing to repeat the symbol, so I can to, and had to.

(The rest of that dream did not directly relate to the woman, though it had some kind of personal spiritual revelation for me that I'm still trying to figure out.)


I've heard a couple other prophetic words or visions shared about Israel striking down her enemies because of this war, or that God wants to protect Israel and won't let her enemies get away with it.  That helped me complete this post.

I also think it's interesting that the colossus form came from the sea and stood on the beach, because the IDF is planning to flood all the Hamas tunnels with sea water.  That's one way to take over from the coast!


Edit on 9/4/2024: Updating with the full quote of Psalm 68:22-23 since I read it again recently and the war is ongoing.

22 The Lord said, I will bring again from Bashan, I will bring my people again from the depths of the sea:

23 That thy foot may be dipped in the blood of thine enemies, and the tongue of thy dogs in the same.

Hamas must be destroyed.


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