Dream: Double Wedding

On September 23, 2023 I had this dream of a double wedding.  I've rewritten portions for clarity and give more detail, and also included the original version that was good enough as a personal reference for me but wasn't written with other readers in mind needing more details.

Expanded Text:

I attended a double wedding for a Charismatic couple and a Baptist/Evangelical couple within a church.  The church had this misty light blue and white coloring overall.  The families of the Charismatics were in harmony, while the relatives of the Baptist/Evangelical couple had subtle bad attitudes.  It seemed everyone was gathering for the start of the wedding ceremony.

Then the dream shifted, as though I received a prophetic dream within the dream before the ceremony began.  In this scene I saw the future of the two couples.  The Charismatic couple had a house to move into right after their wedding, while the Baptist/Evangelical couple arrived searching for an apartment to rent, and were taken aback by their parents grumbling comments.  It was not a harmonious send off for their new life.  However, the Charismatic couple had an apartment within their house they would rent to the Baptist/Evangelical couple for a cheaper price than the regular apartments around.  So everyone's needs were covered.

The dream shifted back to the wedding ceremonies.  I stood up in the midst of the crowd of seated guests, and somewhat nervously declared this prophecy of their future to them.  I felt a little awkward, because it was clear that the Baptist/Evangelical couple were missing out on a better start compared to the Charismatic couple.

The Baptist/Evangelical side of the wedding ceremony didn't want anyone praying in tongues or other oddities, yet they were the ones to put a damper on the ceremony [when I first typed my dream at this point a rainbow appeared, faint at first, but I could even see part of the double rainbow over it.  Promises kept.]  I remember a Charismatic mother looked a bit sad at either that demand or some kind of grumbling comment.

Back to the dream...God wants to stir things up between these two denominations.  The Baptists and Evangelicals need the full gifts to fully embrace God's power and reach their full potential.  Only way to Flow with the Spirit.

Looking back, I see this as a call from God for me to join prophetic ministry in the Church in some way, since I stood up in front of a whole crowd of Christians to declare a prophecy within the dream. And it seems particularly important given the rainbow, and right before the rainbow was a strong golden glow on the trees that I felt was more than just nature, then the rainbow hit and I knew for sure. And I hadn't seen one since Easter. [But I have seen another since then. And that's the reason for the blog's name.]

That's why I'm starting up this blog. I've read others blogs with prophetic words or dreams, or watched videos of the same, so I'm joining in. In person I don't talk much, and I even struggle to speak at times, and have had very few times speaking in front of an audience, so this is quite a change for me to prophesy publicly.

Original Text:

    Double wedding with a Charismatic couple and a Baptist/Evangelical couple.  The families of the Charismatics were in harmony, while there was subtle bad attitudes among the relatives of the Baptist/Evangelical couple.  The charismatic couple would start their wedded life with a house, while the B/E couple had to rent an apartment, but they could rent one from the charismatics at a better price.  Then I stood up after their wedding ceremonies and prophesied about this dream within a dream I had of their future.

The B/E side of the wedding ceremony didn’t want praying in tongues or other oddities, but they were the ones to put a damper on the ceremony THERE”S A RAINBOW!

It was pretty faint cuz it’s sunset, but I did see the other side and a bit of the double at the stronger part.  Promises kept.

Back to the dream…God wants to stir things up between these two denominations it seems.  The B/E’s need the full gifts to fully embrace God’s power and reach their full potential.  Only way to Flow.

Also it means I’ll have some role in Church, not completely sure how that’ll work.  But this one seems particularly important given the rainbow, and right before the rainbow was a strong golden glow on the trees that I felt was more than just nature, then the rainbow hit and I knew for sure.  Don’t think I’ve seen one since Easter.


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