
Showing posts from January, 2024

Dream: Israel and a European Ziggurat

 Dream originally from December 11, 2024 The dream started with something about Israel.  Then I had the point of view of another person walking up these stone/marble steps of a ziggurat that was used as a government office.  It was under some kind of European control (stonework was European style, it was not the style of an ancient pyramid civilization) but it really belonged to Israel and they were trying to get it back, even through force (I think that was only implied, not shown). I remember I said "Kremlin" but I also said a country's name, like Croatia or similar. I got to the top of the ziggurat and there were officials hanging around like it was a normal place for an office and not at the top of a tower of steep stairs with no railing.  Imagine needing to deliver goods up there!  (The office was furnished the way you would expect a fancy, official European office to be furnished, which realistically would take so much work, certainly no benefit of a service elevat

Dreams: Hebrew Singing and the Globe Under Snow

From today, January 20, 2024 Dream 1: I was walking through church after most people left after the service and I was leaving too, but while walking through the sanctuary I heard singing and it seemed like Hebrew. Possibly Israel was directly indicated as I exited the building? (The sanctuary had muted sage green/olive walls, maybe relevant to the landscape in the next dream.) Dream 2: I looked through a window, the window was very dusty and hard to see through, made the landscape seem drier than it ought too. So I opened the window, but the landscape, this deciduous forest and meadow area was still this pale warm green, the kind of yellow-green that's in the middle of summer when all the trees and plants are starting to wilt under relentless sun and no rain. Then I looked towards the horizon and I saw I wasn’t on earth because I saw the globe floating beyond the horizon, the bottom of it partially obscured. First I saw the east coast of the US but then it faded out of sight

Dream: Trump on a Call with "George Soros"

From January 19, 2024 Trump was on a phone call with George Soros, it was on speaker phone and it was being livestreamed for all to see and hear. In fact, it was so watched that at least one cellphone in every household was tuned into the stream. George Soros wasn’t named in the text of the phone screen, however, instead what was written was supposedly his original name, except it was dream placeholder text and read like 'Vrzt Rzrt' or something like that, with no vowels at all, it’s like a robot sound effect.  Made me think of consonant heavy Russian names. Their discussion or debate had so many viewers live it was breaking the bandwidth capacity of the internet. Trump said something about “...those in power…” during the call. I think he said or implied that those in power would be exposed. Because the internet was so heavily trafficked right then there were weird effects from it, for instance, the dream decided that it meant cars no longer had the internet connection they ne

Dream: Dark Cabins and a Trap

From November 8, 2023 Forget what all was in it, but it took a dark turn. I was in this woodsy area that had a compact neighborhood within it. Sorta like some were “cabins” (cottages) to rent and others were small houses, or tiny homes really, owned by the locals. Apparently several women were prostitutes, dunno if independent, as a group, trafficked or what, but all the news about them could be heard from a few gossiping grandmas who lived there. Then I was with a group of people, we seemed to be investigators, a detective and policeman. Well, we asked a middle-aged blonde woman to open up her rental house that was all locked down, they were searching for a suspect or signs of suspicious activity. It wasn’t literally boarded up, but it had that affect. It was clear that the woman hadn’t rented out the house in a while, but the guess was that someone had broken into it to stay hidden. Well. The door was opened and the police were in first, one deeper into the room and one sta

Dream: Clocks and Cafeteria with Spicy Food

This dream was from December 9, 2023. There was a specific segment where I saw clocks one after another, saw all the gears, but the clocks were usually angled such that I couldn’t see the face clearly.  They all were quite large, and seemed to float midair. The first ones were all indoors in dark rooms and then I looked up into the blue sky and saw a huge clock with all its gears. I forget which clock I saw that Biden's name was said, but the message was Biden’s time is ticking and God has a countdown clock tracking it.  This was the beginning of a second dream I had that day.  The first dream I didn't remember much of, but it was personal, and the rest of this second dream was also personal and followed a completely separate arc, although time was a theme in it.  It involved a sort of rigged competition, with a scene I feel free to share: There was a brief intermission where I was hanging out in this cafeteria with a bunch of people who were going to be watching the contest an

Dream: Empty, Marshy Stable and Black Ops

I stood in the yard of a stable I used to go to in childhood (the only stable I ever went to regularly), but it was desolate, abandoned, there were no horses, no people, and the whole yard and arena was squishy and swampy. It wasn't muddy on the surface, the greenery was dense, but the grass would squish down underfoot, and the arena inside the stable was uneven, as though the ground had sunk down or partially eroded, leaving behind smooth stones amongst the waterlogged grass and brush. It wasn't smooth and level for horse riding. I started walking away, towards what would be the lower pasture, but there was now a river going along the property, with a tree lined riverbank that reminded me of a summer camp I once went to. There were small buildings along the river now, they seemed to be old but functional businesses, a bit worn down but still used. After I walked past a group of buildings (like a very tiny shopping center/strip mall), I noticed a group in black with helmets

Dream: Tyrannosaurus Rex "Apartment"

You may have found the dream with D&D symbolism weird enough, but too bad for all of us my dreams do not stop being weird. Not one bit. Sometimes there are nice ones. Sometimes there are ones that might make sense to people. Some are short and simple. Not this one. This dream is from January 8, 2024, and it was after the Lightning Storm one. So a man with black hair in a black suit (and white or light gray shirt/tie? Maybe with a blue tinge?) was forced by other people to go climb up (think there was a ladder) to the open jaws of a big dinosaur and live inside its mouth. He didn’t like that, but he went along with it. It may have been an all out threat to his life and not mere social pressure to make him do it. He got a black umbrella to hold over him so the dinosaur’s spit wouldn’t get on him, and he had servants or aides arrive to help him and they moved in furniture or stuff, it wasn’t super clear. They even set up this little elevator within the mouth, that went from the low

Two Dreams of Lightning Storms

From January 7, 2024 I commented this first dream under a post from A Watchman's Journal , it's a quick summary and there was more to the dream, but the necessary elements are here. "I had a dream this morning that I sensed a lightning storm brewing, and in the distance I saw some kids going to or from school and I needed to warn them not to go near metal objects (like fences) while the air was so electric. So I shouted a warning about the lightning storm and my voice was loudly amplified so they could hear it far away." Some general context from my dreams is that when I speak people seldom listen to me, or even hear/notice me, my voice is usually feeble, and I can stutter or jumble my sentences, so I was really surprised by the vocal clarity in this dream. From January 8, 2024 I had several long dreams that day, but I will share the relevant scene here.  The real world context before this dream was that I'm preparing to run a D&D (Dungeons & Dragons)