Dream: Empty, Marshy Stable and Black Ops

I stood in the yard of a stable I used to go to in childhood (the only stable I ever went to regularly), but it was desolate, abandoned, there were no horses, no people, and the whole yard and arena was squishy and swampy. It wasn't muddy on the surface, the greenery was dense, but the grass would squish down underfoot, and the arena inside the stable was uneven, as though the ground had sunk down or partially eroded, leaving behind smooth stones amongst the waterlogged grass and brush. It wasn't smooth and level for horse riding.

I started walking away, towards what would be the lower pasture, but there was now a river going along the property, with a tree lined riverbank that reminded me of a summer camp I once went to. There were small buildings along the river now, they seemed to be old but functional businesses, a bit worn down but still used. After I walked past a group of buildings (like a very tiny shopping center/strip mall), I noticed a group in black with helmets, they appeared to be a SWAT team and there was a bright explosive breach at a door and they entered the building, armed with rifles. I thought they might be rescuing a hostage, or even doing counter human trafficking.

I didn’t hear any shooting, but I stood at the riverbank at this clearing of trees where it was easy to get to the water and the supposed SWAT team of four men approaches me, each carrying the corner of a stretcher that an unknown man was lying on with blankets or a covering over him. Had the sense that the man was a bit overweight, had black hair that was balding and a mustache. I didn’t see him distinctly, but it was the feeling. Thing is, as this team approached, with a couple more guys behind the stretcher group that passed me, and this rearguard was when I noticed they didn’t have official uniforms. Instead this man I saw wore a black hoodie. He wore all black and had some tactical gear in the form of helmet, rifle, and gloves, etc, but he wore a simple hoodie on his chest. I started worrying that maybe this wasn’t SWAT but some criminal or cartel element since it was so casual, but I could tell in the dream my anxiety was influencing my worst-case scenario thoughts. Also I think there may have been a small light yellow or light orange image on a bottom corner of the hoodie.


So, for interpretation, there's the idea that horses can represent power and strength, or even leadership (a ruler riding in a victorious parade or leading the charge into battle, etc) but the stable is completely empty.  And it's marshy, or swampy.  So that connects to the idea of a swampy place of leadership that likes covering up how muddy it is.

Then the team in black shows up, it's easy to infer Black Ops from their outfit and the total ambiguity of who they are, what they did, and what they intend to do.  When I first saw them and thought they were SWAT it seemed like they were going in to rescue a hostage and take down the captor.  Then when they approached me with the man on the stretcher I had absolutely no idea if he was a wounded hostage being rescued, or if he was the target that they wounded and were now preparing for medevac (which indicates mercy and moral standards).  However, with no Official Insignia I suddenly worried they were part of a cartel, the very opposite end of things from SWAT.  I think the take away is that they average out from both extremes: this is a group breaking all the rules, but they're doing it for good reason.  

Indeed, if I did remember correctly and the light yellow or light orange image was on the hoodie, then that has an association with a counter human trafficking organization I just learned about. However, it was only the color that was associated, within the dream I only remember there being a light patch of color on an otherwise all black outfit, which further lends to the theme that this group is ambiguous and not identifiable.

And once I wrote that I stood at "this clearing of trees" I realized what this meant.  Trees can also represent leaders or leadership and so clearing the trees is a way of saying clearing out current leaders, and clearing them out for terrible crimes they absolutely deserve to lose power over.

Looking over the dream right now, I find the whiplash of thinking SWAT to cartel funny, because I once had that the other way around in a way, in real life.  I once stayed at a hotel for work and one night I returned from an errand and as I entered the parking lot, I saw a man in the area outside the front entrance...that may have been where smokers could be? Anyway, once I saw him I thought to myself, 'He's waiting for me.'  As I approach the front entrance, he opened the doors for me without a word, and I said thanks.  He went ahead and opened the doors to the elevator while I stopped at the front desk, and thus was delayed.  I entered the elevator by myself and went to my floor, and the doors opened.  There was the man who had I had sensed, for "no reason" that he was waiting for me, now going back down.  I returned to my room.  Initially I wondered if it was some kind of intuition, 'Maybe this guy was waiting for me to kidnap me, maybe it was the WORST CASE SCENARIO!'  But the more I thought about it the more I wonder "Wait, was he an angel in disguise???" it would explain the total silence while also taking actions specifically for my sake, and me basically having a word of knowledge to that effect.

Thankfully, in my dreams, I can tell when I'm saying or thinking something from my own opinions, or out of anxiety, and it's not the same thing as the dream's story and the message from God.  So after reflecting on all of that, if my real life anecdote matches up to this dream, it could even be black ops angels at work in the spirit and not even human endeavors.  Which is perhaps supported by there not being any gunshots.


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