Dream: Israel and a European Ziggurat

 Dream originally from December 11, 2024

The dream started with something about Israel.  Then I had the point of view of another person walking up these stone/marble steps of a ziggurat that was used as a government office.  It was under some kind of European control (stonework was European style, it was not the style of an ancient pyramid civilization) but it really belonged to Israel and they were trying to get it back, even through force (I think that was only implied, not shown).

I remember I said "Kremlin" but I also said a country's name, like Croatia or similar.

I got to the top of the ziggurat and there were officials hanging around like it was a normal place for an office and not at the top of a tower of steep stairs with no railing.  Imagine needing to deliver goods up there!  (The office was furnished the way you would expect a fancy, official European office to be furnished, which realistically would take so much work, certainly no benefit of a service elevator!)


There was an earlier part in the dream with a totally different scene, wherein I entered some kind of tech industry office (I think through glass doors if I remember that correctly, it was fairly sleek and the interior design had muted blues and cool neutrals, quite different from the heavy, ancient stone of the ziggurat).  I think the office may have been Microsoft because Bill Gates was mentioned, or that may simply imply a computer focused office.  Don't remember details, at some point I may have gone into a bathroom to adjust my outfit (I don't remember what it was).

I don't have much of an idea for interpretation beyond any interaction between Israel and other groups of countries is always important in some way.  Being a ziggurat that was turned European, I guess it's some kind of conflict between them over religious authority under the guise of political office or authority?  Oh, a note I made on that earlier is the idea that maybe this indicates Europe is trying to have control through paganism (ziggurats being temples) but Israel owns the physical location (they had a real claim to it in the dream), so now they're in conflict, and I guess about to have a meeting regarding it.

I also had a dream before this one, but it was me traveling around some islands by ferry and I think it was more personal than geopolitical or cultural like these ones.

Update January 26th:

Found out there's a set of pyramids in Bosnia and Herzegovina, which neighbors Croatia, near the city of Visoko.  Now, it's debated whether or not it's a real pyramid or archaeological find or not, but looking at the photos and a satellite view online it does look like a pyramid shape.  This long article goes into detail about it, and mentions the discoverer "was made a foreign member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences."  And here's a shorter article from a Croatia tourism site.  That ties together the nations mentioned in my dream.

I don't think the ziggurat or pyramid in my dream is meant to be taken literally, but reading about the one in Bosnia certainly shows how they can develop into a cultural power center. Quite an interesting surprise!


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